Une stratégie RSE créatrice de valeur
However, a common misconception persists too often within organizations: CSR and the associated costs would be a brake on the company’s economic performance. Since 2003, Goodwill-management has been working with you to ensure that social and environmental responsibility is combined with the company’s economic performance.
Why choose Goodwill-management to design and manage your CSR strategy?
By measuring the economic performance of CSR with our clients, Goodwill-management encourages them to integrate sustainable development into their business model in order to sustainably transform their practices. By choosing Goodwill, you are making the choice to build a CSR policy that creates long-term value not only for your organisation, but also for your stakeholders, the territory and the environment.
You are a company, an association or a public body and you wish to:
Building a CSR strategy
Integrate CSR into your business
Evaluate and quantify the impact
Managing value creation
Innovating and progressing
Communicate on value
How to design and manage a CSR strategy that creates value?
Integrating CSR into the core of its business model
This reflection on value creation must take place from the very beginning of the design of the CSR strategy.
Define upstream performance indicators
To optimise the value creation of your CSR policy, it is essential to define performance indicators when defining the strategy.
To go further
- Le diagnostic de votre maturité RSE ;
- La cartographie des parties prenantes ;
- La matrice de matérialité ;
- La co-construction de votre vision et politique développement durable ;
- Des solutions de pilotage des politiques de responsabilité sociale et environnementale ;
- La valorisation de vos actions à travers la création d’un rapport RSE ou d’un rapport intégré ;
- Des formations telles que le dialogue avec les parties prenantes ou l’intégration du développement durable dans les différents métiers de l’entreprise.