Advice in

Responsible economics Performance

Our solutions

CSR Advice

Intangible Assets

Impact measurement

Our solutions

Since 2003, Goodwill-management has been supporting nearly 500 organisations towards more responsible models, from large groups to SMEs in all sectors, as well as SSE organisations. To demonstrate that values create value, our team measures the impact of their activities, identifies the levers for value creation and optimises their overall performance.

CSR strategy

CSR diagnosis and action plan, materiality matrix, sectoral reference framework, stakeholder dialogue, etc.

Social impact measurement

Understand, measure and value its impact on its stakeholders….

Use value of the building

The measurement of the value generated by the services provided by the building to its occupants

Valuation of intangible assets

applied to the company, the building or the territory

Socio-economic footprint

Measure the impact of its activity in terms of added value and sustained employment in France

Training courses

Training on all Goodwill-management expertise

Our projects

Since values create value, Goodwill-management helps you to create and measure value in a different way!

Our customers’ testimonials

Goodwill a réalisé pour Emmaüs France une estimation de l’impact socio-économique d’un projet innovant concernant la mobilité comme outil de lutte contre la précarité, fondée sur une recherche des bénéfices cachés et des coûts évités. Ils ont fait preuve d’une grande écoute et de compréhension de ce projet innovant et complexe. La qualité du travail produit en fait un outil important pour convaincre de nouveaux partenaires de soutenir l’essaimage du projet.
Valérie Fayard

Deputy Executive Vice President in charge of the Innovation and Development Division, Emmaüs France

Goodwill Management helped us to crack a problem we had had for years: giving economic value to actions in support of SNCF’s business activities. With a high level of demand, and without seeking to put euros on everything, we have managed to present a credible economic balance sheet, without excluding value-added actions that remain non-financial: this capital must also be preserved and cultivated!
I recommend Goodwill Management because they are totally committed to understanding the client’s problems and build, with pedagogy and a lot of exchanges, an economic assessment that is accessible to the greatest number of people. It is a strength for consultants not to add complexity to complexity!
Julien Hoyet

General Secretary, SNCF

A committed and responsible consulting firm

Our CSR commitment is first and foremost reflected in the missions we carry out for our clients! Goodwill-management therefore applies internally the advice they recommend to their clients and develops a global CSR strategy that is recognised by the LUCIE label.


The letter of intangible assets

Every semester, Goodwill-management publishes a free magazine dedicated to the promotion of intangible assets.


LUCIE Labelling

Goodwill-management’s CSR commitment has been recognised since 2014 by the LUCIE 26000 Label, the reference label in France, aligned with ISO26000.


Tomorrow, a CSR training centre

In 2019, Goodwill-management launched a crazy project: to create a training centre for companies dedicated to sustainable development.

Stay informed about Goodwill news

Receive news about Goodwill-management, CSR, intangible capital and impact measurement. Stay informed about our latest studies and participate in our events!

Brochure | Mettre en oeuvre une politique RSE exigeante et rentable

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Brochure | Mesurer la performance économique de la RSE

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Lettre du capital immatériel #25

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Lettre du capital immatériel #24

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Lettre du capital immatériel #23

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Lettre du capital immatériel #22

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Lettre du capital immatériel #21

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Lettre du capital immatériel #20

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Lettre du capital immatériel #19

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Lettre du capital immatériel #18

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Lettre du capital immatériel #17

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Lettre du capital immatériel #16

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Lettre du capital immatériel #15

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Lettre du capital immatériel #14

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Lettre du capital immatériel #13

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Lettre du capital immatériel #12

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Lettre du capital immatériel #11 et #10

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Lettre du capital immatériel #9

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Lettre du capital immatériel #8

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Lettre du capital immatériel #7

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Lettre du capital immatériel #6

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Lettre du capital immatériel #5

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Lettre du capital immatériel #4

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Lettre du capital immatériel #3

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Lettre du capital immatériel #2

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Lettre du capital immatériel #1

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Télécharger l'article d'Alan Fustec

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Téléchargez le volet 1 de la méthode Thésaurus Capital Immatériel

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Téléchargez le volet2 de la méthode Thésaurus Capital Immatériel

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Brochure | Mettre en oeuvre une politique RSE exigeante et rentable

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Brochure | Mettre en oeuvre une politique RSE exigeante et rentable

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Brochure | Mettre en oeuvre une politique RSE exigeante et rentable

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Brochure | Mettre en oeuvre une politique RSE exigeante et rentable

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Catalogue de formations | Goodwill-management

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