Implement your CSR strategy
With Goodwill-management, define a tailor-made CSR strategy and action plan that transforms the company in depth, while embedding your teams.
Why be supported in the implementation of CSR?
With more than 150 missions carried out since 2003, we have developed an undeniable expertise in the implementation of CSR approaches. Our know-how is based on reliable and rigorous tools, aligned with international CSR standards (ISO 26000, ODD, GRI, IIRC, Global Compact, WBCFSD, Global Compact, Article 225, extra-financial performance declaration, Sapin 2 law, duty of care, etc.)
Beyond a militant commitment to sustainable development, a CSR approach guarantees the sustainability and overall performance of your organisation.
You are a company, an association or a local authority committed to a sustainable development approach and you wish to:
Integrate CSR
Creating a real dialogue
Making sense
How does Goodwill Management support companies in the implementation of CSR?
Goodwill-management supports you throughout the stages of the implementation of a demanding and relevant CSR approach:
Assess your maturity level using a CSR diagnosis
Identify your stakeholders and create a materiality matrix
Build a CSR strategy that creates value for you and your stakeholders
Deploy a CSR action plan that transforms the company and its businesses
Design the tools for managing and monitoring the approach
Communicate in complete transparency on your CSR policy
To go further
- Réaliser un référentiel RSE sectoriels aligné sur l’ISO 26000 et adapté à vos enjeux
- Dialoguer avec vos parties prenantes
- Obtenir le Label LUCIE 26 000
- Mesurer le retour social sur investissement (SROI) de vos actions RSE
- Former les différents métiers de l’entreprise à l’intégration de la responsabilité sociale (achats responsables)
- Mesurer votre empreinte écologique